
Innovative mediation for High-stakes LITIGATION

“After four decades of litigating every type of business case imaginable, on both the Plaintiff and Defense side, I have come to appreciate and understand what it takes to be a successful mediator. All excellent mediators have their own unique style and approach, and I am certainly no different. However, what I think works best for me is a combination of
being thoroughly prepared, and then really listening to what each party
has to say. Only then can I help guide them to a resolution that meets both sides’ needs.”

“What I think works best for me is a combination of being thoroughly prepared, and then really listening to what each party has to say.”

Drew Pomerance


For me, thorough preparation means not only being very familiar with the parties’ positions as expressed through their briefs, but I will also be familiar with the law and trial verdicts in the area. I also think it is important to speak with the lawyers beforehand in pre-mediation phone calls, in order to obtain additional insight into various dynamics and personalities that maybe the more formal briefs might overlook. It also enables me to hit the ground running when the actual mediation does begin. 

“As mentioned above, I can’t overstate how important it is for a mediator to really listen and hear what the parties are saying. Also, listen to what they are not saying as well. That ability makes it easier to provide a fair, honest, and impartial evaluation, which, in my view, leads to more creative and innovative solutions that can best meet the needs of both parties.”

I am really excited and honored to have the opportunity to help parties resolve their disputes, so that they
can get on with their lives and businesses. Litigation is terribly disrupting and stressful, and can often be
destructive. Helping parties navigate their way out of it is really rewarding.

Drew Pomerance

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